Saturday, October 4, 2014

No one is perfect.

Some things have been brought to surface today that I've never really thought of before. I consider myself to be a pretty open person. I try to admit my struggles and trials I have dealt with and continually have to work on them everyday. Brady (my husband) came home after watching the priesthood session with his dad and brothers. I asked home how the session went and he was telling me that one of the talks was about social media. So many people are so into social media and posting things that it's almost as if they perceive themselves as having the perfect life. Perfect marriage, perfect family, perfect kids, perfect life. I instantly thought, do I do that? 
I'd like to think not. I know my struggles. I know my trials, my mistakes, my weaknesses, how I look at myself, my self consciousness. People couldn't possibly think I'm perfect or be led to believe that I don't make mistakes based off what I put on MY own social media do they? 
I would never do that on purpose. The one thing I've always wanted is for people to realize they should feel loved and accepted by who they really are. If you don't feel accepted by certain people, then those people don't deserve your time. One thing I want people to think of me when they meet me or see my social media is that, I'm. just. like. you. 
I have a lisp that I'm insecure about. People say it's cute and they don't notice it, but I do. I don't like looking at videos of myself or watching myself talk because I get embarrassed. Although that is such a hard thing to overcome, I've had to learn and realize that I am who I am. People ARE going to use that against me whether I can help it or not. If it's not my lisp, it would be something else. But it doesn't make it any easier to not care.
I have tattoos. Yes. Tattoos! Plural. More than one. And. I live in Utah. AND, I'm Mormon. But you may not know the reason behind them. You may not know when I was at my lowest in my life, I tried to get myself back in control of my life. I told myself I could do what I want and no one could tell me otherwise. Before I knew it, I had two tattoos and felt that I made the first step to the rest of my life. 
Which leads me into my next mistake. Deciding to marry the wrong person, and getting a divorce at age 21. Like so many people, I tried doing what I thought was the right thing. I didn't know what an honest, loving and open marriage was until I married Brady. It makes me feel so sad for people that are in the horrible marriage I was in and to wonder if this is how marriage and life really is. It hurts me to think that so many people are going through that everyday for days, months and even years. 
These are just a few of the things that I've dealt with and sins I've made throughout my short life so far. Some of my sins are on my outward appearance, but that doesn't mean I'm worse than any other person because their sins are hidden inside. It can be easier to hide and pretend those sins don't exist. I know. We all have them. 
I've realized that instead of pretending to be perfect we should all support each other and Love each other. Not only is this a commandment, but we don't know people's lives. We don't know their thoughts and intentions. And the intentions of your heart is what matters in my eyes. 
I know I will never be perfect and I will always make dumb mistakes, but I will try my very best to love everyone. Christ does. And he knows all of our intentions in our heart.